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Hope KT*, Hawes IA*, Moca E, Bonci A, De Biase LM. (2020). Maturation of the microglial population varies across mesolimbic nuclei. European Journal of Neuroscience. *Equal contribution.


Shen H, Marino RAM, McDevitt RA, Bi GH, Chen K, Madeo G, Lee PT, Liang Y, De Biase LM, Su TP, Xi ZX, Bonci A. (2018). Genetic deletion of vesicular glutamate transporter in dopamine neurons increases vulnerability to MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in mice. Proc. Natl Acad Sci U S A, 115(49): E11532-E11541.


De Biase LM, Bonci A. (2018). Region-Specific Phenotypes of Microglia: The Role of Local Regulatory Cues. The Neuroscientist. 


Xin W, Schuebel KE, Jair KW, Cimbro R, De Biase LM, Goldman D, Bonci A. (2019). Ventral midbrain astrocytes display unique physiological features and sensitivity to dopamine D2 receptor signaling. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44(2):344-355.


De Biase LM, Schuebel KE, Fusfeld ZH, Jair K, Hawes IA, Cimbro R, Zhang HY, Liu QR, Shen H, Xi ZX, Goldman D, Bonci A. (2017). Local Cues Establish and Maintain Region-Specific Phenotypes of Basal Ganglia Microglia. Neuron, 95(2):341-356.


De Biase LM, Kang SH, Baxi EG, Fukaya M, Pucak ML, Mishina M, Calabresi PA, Bergles DE. (2011). NMDA receptor signaling in oligodendrocyte progenitors is not required for oligodendrogenesis and myelination. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(35): 12650-12662.


De Biase LM, Nishiyama A, Bergles DE. (2010). Excitability and synaptic communication within the oligodendrocyte lineage. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(10): 3600-3611.



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